
Clean, Green, and Autonomous Driving

Risks of Autonomous Vehicles As impressive as autonomous vehicles are, they are not perfect. In fact, there are many risks associated with them. Hackers can gain access to your vehicle and turn it into a remote-controlled drone or even steal it by disabling the engine from afar. While this risk exists in any vehicle, the more technology that you have on board—the greater your chances of being hacked and having problems caused by a hacker. Accidents happen often even when people drive manually and accidents will still happen with autonomous cars no matter how good they get at avoiding them (which they will). There might be an accident due to human error or weather conditions (e.g., fog). You could also get into an accident with another driver who just didn't see you coming due to poor visibility from traffic congestion or high winds pushing snow around on ...

IT Outsourcing - The Great Resignation Enabler and the Downfall of the Great American Corporation

Outsourcing is the process of outsourcing work to a third party company or country. Offshoring is similar to outsourcing, except that it involves sending jobs overseas. Intellectual capital is intangible assets produced by an organization's knowledge workers and represented by their ability to create new solutions and information that add value for customers, clients, partners and shareholders. The term was first used in Peter Drucker's book Managing the Non-profit Organization (1985) where he defined it as "the sum total of the knowledge, skills and experience embodied in its people". Retention refers to retaining employees within a company so they remain loyal towards their employer by offering them better benefits or incentives than other companies may provide. Often this will involve paying higher salaries so they don't leave for lower paying jobs elsewhere or better ...

What's Driving The Great Resignation / ReShuffle?

Are you the only person in your company still earning what you earned five years ago? If you're a manager, the answer is probably no. If you're a developer, the answer is probably yes. If you are a manager and not a developer(or vice versa), it's likely that your income has been increasing over time. Most managers have more responsibility and tend to earn more than their subordinates; if this isn't the case in your organization, it may be time to look elsewhere for employment opportunities. In general, though: no one's salary stays flat over time unless they like being poor, and given these inflationary times, if you haven't seen an increase in compensation you essentially have been given a pay cut. What's driving the great resignation / reshuffle? Corporate greed has gone too far. It's time to say enough is enough! Corporate greed is bad for the ...

The Pros And Cons Of Universal Basic Income: The Future Of Welfare?

Universal basic income, or UBI, is a social welfare policy that provides all citizens of a country or region with a regular sum of money, either as a grant or stipend, regardless of whether they are employed or not. While the idea of implementing UBI has been around for centuries, it has recently gained traction as a potential solution to the growing problem of income inequality and unemployment. Supporters of UBI argue that it would provide a safety net for those who have lost their jobs due to automation and globalization. With the rapid advancement of technology, there is a very real possibility that automation will soon replace many human jobs. This has led some people to call for a universal basic income (UBI), which would give every citizen a guaranteed income regardless of employment status. Universal Basic Income is coming, but it may not be the utopia that some people are hoping for. With the advent of automation and the i...

The Case for Resigning from Corporate Greed IT Jobs

With growing income equality, the majority of people no longer have to work for the big corporations in order to have a good standard of living. The average worker no longer needs to work for one of these companies in order to live a decent life. It’s so rare for people to say this about corporate greed that it can be easy to take it for granted. That being said, the role of corporations in society has changed. For many years, corporations were a neutral force in society. Now, they are an unethical force that continues to grow. If we continue to work for these companies and let them continue to grow without limits, we will continue to see the same levels of inequality, problems in the world, and loss of privacy as we see today. Therefore, we need to reconsider our involvement with corporations to ensure that we are going to the right ends. Let’s take a look at the arguments for and against resigning from corporate greed. Common Arguments For Resigning From Corporate Gre...