Why Low-Code Isn't Always the High Road: Separating Fact from Fiction

The use of low-code tools has been increasing in popularity in recent years as organizations look to optimize IT processes and reduce costs. While these tools may offer some benefits for smaller or less mature organizations, the idea that they can replace traditional software development processes and tools for larger and more mature organizations couldn't be farther from the truth.

One of the primary concerns with low-code tools is their lack of flexibility and scalability. These tools are designed to offer quick and easy solutions for specific problems, but they often lack the robustness and customization capabilities required by larger organizations with complex systems and workflows. In many cases, organizations may find that the tools they have chosen are unable to handle the scale and complexity of their operations, leading to increased costs and delays in the long run.

Additional concerns with low-code tools is their impact on governance and data integrity. As these tools are often used by business users with little to no programming experience, there is a risk of data quality and consistency issues arising. This can lead to increased cybersecurity risks, which is a significant concern for larger organizations in today's world of hyper-sensitive cybersecurity and corporate espionage concerns. With the increasing frequency and severity of cyberattacks, organizations cannot afford to compromise their data integrity or cybersecurity by using low-code tools.

Furthermore, low-code tools often lack the ability to integrate with existing systems, making it difficult to maintain consistency and accuracy across different applications and workflows. This can result in data silos, which limit an organization's ability to gain insights and make informed decisions. In contrast, traditional software development processes and tools provide organizations with the ability to integrate with existing systems, ensuring consistency and accuracy across different applications and workflows.

While low-code tools may offer some benefits for smaller or less mature organizations, larger and more mature organizations should not rely on them as a replacement for traditional software development processes and tools. Doing so may lead to increased costs, delays, and potential cybersecurity risks, all of which can have significant negative impacts on an organization's operations and reputation. Instead, these organizations should prioritize the use of robust and customizable software development processes and tools that can meet their specific needs and ensure the highest levels of governance, data integrity, and user experience.

Myth #1: Low-code Tools Help Reduce Costs

One of the most common misconceptions about low-code tools is that they help reduce costs. While it may be true that low-code tools can help organizations develop applications faster, the pricing models used by many low-code providers make them cost-prohibitive in the long run.

Unlike traditional software development tools, low-code tools often charge per app or per user. This may seem like a cost-effective solution at first, but as an organization's needs grow, so do the costs associated with these tools. In some cases, organizations may find that they are paying more for their low-code tools than they would for traditional software development processes and tools.

Furthermore, the cost of using low-code tools may continue to increase over time. As an organization develops more applications using these tools, the costs associated with maintaining and upgrading these applications may become prohibitive. This is especially true if an organization's needs change over time, requiring the development of new applications or the modification of existing ones.

In contrast, traditional software development processes and tools provide organizations with greater control over their costs. While the initial investment may be higher, organizations can develop and maintain applications without incurring additional costs per app or per user. This makes it easier to manage costs over the long term and can lead to significant cost savings in the long run.

Low-code tools may offer some benefits in terms of speed and ease of use, however, they are not necessarily a cost-effective solution for larger and more mature organizations. The pricing models used by many low-code providers can make development cost-prohibitive, and organizations may find themselves paying more for these tools than they would for traditional software development processes and tools. Instead, organizations should consider all of their options carefully before making a decision about which tools to use, taking into account their specific needs and long-term goals.

Myth #2: Low-code Tools Help Compensate for Staff Shortages

It is often a believed that low-code tools can help compensate for staff shortages. While it is true that these tools can make it easier for non-technical staff to develop applications, relying on these staff members to develop applications can actually exacerbate staffing shortages and lead to additional turnover.

Firstly, low-code tools are not a replacement for skilled developers. While they may make it easier for non-technical staff to develop simple applications, they cannot replace the expertise and experience of a skilled developer. Organizations that rely too heavily on low-code tools may find themselves with a backlog of applications that require more complex development skills to complete.

Secondly, attempting to stand up a "citizen developer" program using low-code tools without an increase in compensation can lead to additional turnover. These staff members will still be expected to complete their normal responsibilities, in addition to developing applications using low-code tools. This can lead to overburdened staff members feeling overworked and underappreciated, ultimately leading to higher turnover rates.

In contrast, investing in skilled developers and traditional software development processes and tools can help alleviate staffing shortages by providing the expertise and experience necessary to develop complex applications efficiently. Furthermore, investing in staff members through training and development programs can lead to increased job satisfaction and lower turnover rates.

It is a forgone conclusion that while low-code tools may make it easier for non-technical staff to develop simple applications, they are not a replacement for skilled developers. Relying too heavily on low-code tools can exacerbate staffing shortages and lead to additional turnover. Instead, organizations should invest in skilled developers and traditional software development processes and tools, as well as staff development programs, to ensure the long-term success of their application development efforts.

Myth #3: AI and Automation Enhance Low-code Capabilities

A common misconception about low-code tools is that AI and automation can enhance their capabilities. While AI and automation tools like AWS CodeWhisperer, ChatGPT, and Microsoft GitHub CoPilot can provide productivity tools for seasoned developers, relying on them blindly can be a significant risk for new "citizen developers."

These AI and automation tools use machine learning algorithms to suggest code snippets or complete functions based on patterns and past usage. While these suggestions can save time and increase productivity for experienced developers, they may not always produce the best results or follow established coding standards.

For new "citizen developers," blindly trusting these suggestions can lead to code that is inefficient, poorly written, or even insecure. This can ultimately lead to higher maintenance costs and security risks down the line.

To avoid these risks, oversight and monitoring are required, which is equivalent to hiring a full-time software developer. Organizations should invest in training and development programs to ensure that new "citizen developers" have a basic understanding of coding and software development principles. They should also establish coding standards and best practices and provide oversight and monitoring to ensure that all code produced using low-code tools meets these standards.

While AI and automation tools can provide productivity benefits for seasoned developers, blindly trusting these suggestions can be a significant risk for new "citizen developers." Organizations should invest in training and development programs and establish coding standards and best practices to ensure that all code produced using low-code tools meets these standards. Oversight and monitoring are also necessary to ensure that these tools are used effectively and safely.

Myth #4: Low-code Tools Lead to More Accurate Data Insights

It has become common propaganda that low-code tools provide for more accurate data insights. However, the truth is that the accuracy of data insights is not determined by the development tool used to build the application, but rather by the quality and validity of the data being captured and analyzed.

A structured and validated capture of data doesn't matter if it comes from a low-code option or a traditional application. This is simply a wash, nothing gained, nothing lost. Both types of applications have the ability to capture data accurately and provide insights that are valuable to an organization.

Furthermore, the accuracy of data insights depends on a variety of factors, such as the quality of the data sources, the data preparation and cleansing techniques used, and the algorithms and models used for data analysis. These factors are not determined by the development tool used to build the application, but rather by the expertise and experience of the developers and data analysts involved in the project.

Low-code tools can be used to build applications that capture and analyze data, they do not inherently lead to more accurate data insights. The accuracy of data insights depends on a variety of factors, including the quality and validity of the data being captured, the data preparation and cleansing techniques used, and the expertise and experience of the developers and data analysts involved in the project.

Myth #5: Low-code Tools Contribute to Application Modernization

One of the myths surrounding low-code tools is that they contribute to application modernization. However, the truth is that low-code tools do not necessarily modernize applications, but rather can limit the ability to modernize them.

Low-code tools often have a limited set of pre-built templates and components that developers can use to build applications. While these templates and components may be easy to use and may provide a consistent look and feel to the applications, they can also limit the ability of developers to create custom functionality or modernize the user experience beyond what the tool allows.

Furthermore, because low-code tools are proprietary platforms, developers are limited to staying within the confines of the platform and restricted to the vendor's designs. This means that future user requests may not be possible or may require significant customization, making the process of modernizing the application more difficult.

In contrast, traditional software development practices allow for greater flexibility and customization, enabling developers to create applications that meet the specific needs of an organization and can be modernized as technologies and user requirements change.

While low-code tools may provide an easy-to-use platform for building applications, they do not necessarily contribute to application modernization. In fact, they can limit the ability of developers to create custom functionality and modernize the user experience beyond what the tool allows. Traditional software development practices allow for greater flexibility and customization, enabling developers to create applications that meet the specific needs of an organization and can be modernized as technologies and user requirements change.

From Laggards to Innovators: Why Your IT Identity Matters When Choosing Application Development Solutions

It is essential for organizations to have a clear identity when it comes to their approach to IT development. Some organizations may have an innovator mindset, eager to embrace new technologies and approaches to application development, while others may be more conservative and choose to less capable and half baked development platforms of the low-code variety.

While low-code no code platforms may be a viable option for smaller organizations without established IT infrastructures or the personnel to maintain such, larger, more mature organizations should expect more from their internal IT departments. Low-code tools may seem like an attractive solution, promising to streamline processes and reduce costs, but they can also present significant risks in terms of governance, data integrity, and vendor lock-in.

Ultimately, the key is to have a balanced approach that takes into account the specific needs and capabilities of the organization. While low-code no code platforms may have their place, they should not be viewed as a one-size-fits-all solution for application development. By working closely with internal IT teams and software development partners, organizations can find the right mix of tools and processes that allow them to deliver high-quality, scalable applications that meet their unique needs and drive business success.


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