
Low-Code, High Cost: Pitfalls In The Power Platform

As the constant talk of digital transformation meshes with the typical goal to grow business without additional headcount, the significance of a customer portal facilitating online procurement of products is one of the first projects identified in the journey. Organizations strive to stay ahead in the digital age, they find themselves navigating a dynamic marketplace, where customer expectations, competitive pressures, and technological advancements constantly reshape the business environment. In this context, a well-designed customer portal that streamlines the process of product procurement emerges as a central focal point, not only enhancing operational efficiency but also fortifying a company's capacity to adapt and innovate. Having a data-driven customer portal is often the key to success, thus a recent clean-up job that we were awarded involved course correcting a pr

Innovation without Overhead: Trust and Autonomy over Rigid Project Management

It can be said that innovation is the driving force behind progress and success. IT organizations need to continually adapt and innovate to stay competitive and meet the rapidly changing needs of their partners and customers. However, fostering an innovative culture can be challenging when weighed down by excessive bureaucracy and administrative overhead. The question becomes how can IT organizations strike the right balance between encouraging entrepreneurial thoughts and minimizing the hurdles that often come with excessive project management processes and non-value add ceremonies. The Importance of Innovation in IT Innovation is the lifeblood of IT organizations. It's what sets apart the leaders from the laggards in the industry. Innovative solutions can lead to cost savings, improved efficiency, and better customer experiences. Furthermore, they can drive revenue and growth, making

AI's Multilingual Journey: The Road to Efficient Enterprise Solutions

Is selecting a programming language important for AI development? Absolutely. The choice of programming language can significantly impact the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models, especially when incorporating them into corporate enterprise applications. It is essential to make a selection that minimizes technical debt while consolidating functionality into one cohesive package. In this article, we will explore various programming languages commonly used in AI development, including Python, R, Lisp, Julia, C++, and Scala, and compare them to C#, a more prevalent language in corporate environments. We will analyze their capabilities in terms of database access, in-memory processing, parallel processing, and the availability of talent. Python: A Versatile Powerhouse Python is a popular choice for AI development due to its simplicity and strength. It off

Tech's Talent Acquisition Troubles: Blame Game or Leadership Lapses?

It is being suggested that there is the existence of a persistent digital skills gap and with that software development emerges as one of the hardest-hit sectors. With the rapid advancement of transformative technologies like AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data, businesses are confronted with the urgent need to address this gap, a formidable challenge in its own right. A recent article ' The skills gap is bad news for software development - here's what can be done ' sheds light on the critical factors contributing to the skills shortage and offers root cause analysis. Firms grapple with the twin challenges of identifying qualified candidates and keeping pace with the ever-evolving technological landscape, as pointed out by Jim Cassidy, CEO of Code Institute.  The resulting disconnects between the skills employers' demand and the qualifications held by candidates add