Coding Light, Scaling Right: A Tale of SPA Magic with Azure Storage, Knockout.js, and Power Automate
Fast and affordable solutions are more important than ever in the fast-paced world of customer demands within the corporate world. In this feature we'll showcase how to build a low-cost Single-Page Application (SPA) with local storage, JavaScript, Knockout.js, and Azure Storage Blob as the webserver to produce an engaging and dynamic user experience. The solution effectively handles AJAX calls by utilizing Power Automate, particularly its HTTP request triggers, allowing for smooth communication between the SPA and the backend. As over-architected and bloated solution designs become commonplace by outsourced partner resources with the full intention of developing solutions as complex as possible in order to set the vendor-hooks it is important for organizations to realize that committing to a KISS (Keep It Stupidly Simple) mindset is always a preferred approach and proven...