
Showing posts from May, 2022

Implementing Enhanced Policing With Big Data and Predictive Analytics

Big Data and Predictive Analytics has been the buzz word in Law Enforcement for some time now. The primary focus is to scrutinize huge amount of law and order data using predictive machine learning algorithms which enables scientists/ researchers create an analytic tool preconceive crime before its commission. This approach has a variety of possible benefits since it can decrease higher crime rates and enhance public safety, as well as lessens the expenditure in police resources. Digital Transformation In Law Enforcement Technology has become increasingly important as police officers have been called upon to do more with less—to be more efficient and effective in an era of shrinking budgets and increasing responsibilities. Even though technology is still new to some agencies, others have been using it for many years. Innovative and forward thinking governments throughout the country are using advanced analytics tools like predictive policing, social media ...

Buy vs. Build Discussions On Enterprise Software

When looking to implement functionality, these days you have to decide whether you buy commercial software and customize it or whether you write your own. The decision is not an easy one, because there are many factors that need to be considered. The first question is cost: if building something is cheaper than buying it, then building might make sense. But this isn't always the case; sometimes buying commercial software will actually save money in the long run because of lower maintenance costs and better support capabilities. You also want to consider how much time it would take for your development team (or perhaps yourself) to build a certain feature versus how much time it would take a third party vendor doing something similar with their own team of developers and programmers. You should also consider quality when making this decision—will your custom solution perform as well as t...

Imposter Syndrome vs. Career Malaise vs. Corporate Politics Fatigue

Imposter syndrome is a lack of confidence in your skills and abilities, as well as a fear that you’ll be “found out.” The syndrome is often linked to perfectionism, which may stem from childhood. It can also be triggered by a sudden change in circumstances, such as receiving an award or promotion. Career malaise is a feeling of monotony or discontent with where your career is at this point in time. Most people associate the term with mid-career burnout, but it can also be caused by a lack of upward mobility, poor pay or benefits, workplace politics that prevent you from doing your best work and more. In contrast to imposter syndrome, people who suffer from malaise don’t feel like they don’t belong where they are—they may even have been happy at one point in their careers—but something has changed over time that makes them no longer enjoy working there as much as they once did. Corporate politics fatigue can be experienced at...