Top 5 Things To Know About Data Intelligence
One buzzword on the rise is "intelligence." It's born of a real problem. Companies have data. They've digitally transformed. And now companies can find out what their sales tally was—but that's in a different system than customer preference data and marketing info. You see, it's not enough to just have the information online: You need to make sense of it. Here are five things to know about intelligent data. Lock-in isn't working out. Vendors hoped that being the provider of your data would keep you in their building. But normally, no one vendor has all of a company's useful data. And customers are demanding openness so they can use their Salesforce data with their Microsoft data, for example. Startups have solutions. You say you want to combine data from different siloed services? We have the solution at startup with Data in the name! Our several billion dollar valuat...